Meet the Team

  • Matthew Christopher

    Founder, Vocalist, Guitarist

  • Britney Christopher

    Creative Director & Public Relations, Communications Specialist

  • Isaac Jordan

    Drummer, Audio Tech

  • Back Yard Worship Night

    Spring 2024

  • Worship & Praise at Garfield Park

    July 2024

About Us…

    • Christ-Centered

    • Bible-Based

    • Redemptive Love

    • Extravagant Grace

    • Biblical Unity

    • Serving the Great Commission 

  • "The gospel means good news, and the good news of the gospel is that God’s grace has entered into the darkness of this world to give hope to all people. We are a people in need of hope because sin has destroyed our fellowship with our Creator, and we all rightly fall under God’s righteous judgment.

    But God, being rich in mercy and because of His great love for us, provides a way for us to be saved from His wrath and secure eternal life with Him. God does this by offering a living hope, Jesus Christ, His Son. Jesus is the hope of the gospel and the hope for all people. His death on the cross satisfies the demands of God’s holy justice and wrath, and His resurrection confirms that death is defeated and there is hope in this life and the life to come for all who put their trust in Jesus alone. There is no other name by which men can be saved, so we make it our aim to proclaim Christ and Him crucified until He returns and makes all things new."

    -Credit to Crosspointe Community Church; Greenwood, Indiana